1 don fernando con javiera en su casa 2 manuel por la noche 3 angela enfrente de la fugata 4 el grupo amarillo ( mi grupo) antes de partir al trabajo 5 el tio
thus , the gringo or tio gringo or rusio or hungaro or holandes or 'ollo con pollo' went to the south of chile to build a house for a family in need.. A group of chileans from the universidad catolica and me.... we built in the mud, met some great people and we left exhausted but content...
1. don fernando 2 angela 3 javiera 4 the bus back
Friday, July 13, 2007
some views from my new house at the Plaza Italia, the main square and important traffic point, connecting the old town with the new one... yep i moved to this place the other day, its a lot cheaper, a lot noisier, but the views are amazing!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
1. santiago in the evening 2. santiago centre 3. leslie in cyan